What are the roles of wallets?

Each counter-party will need wallets to manage their identity, perform operations and store tokens.

Wallets are key elements in the tokenized ecosystem.

Investors will need wallets in order to receive their tokens during the token sale, and to control their onchain identity. Also, if investors want to make their investment using crypto assets they will need to hold those assets in a wallet they control and can distribute from.

Issuers will need a multi-sig wallet to deploy the smart contracts and to use all of their functions. They will also need wallets in order to receive the funds coming in from investors and paid in cryptocurrencies.

Some of the main wallets being used for token sales are Metamask, MyEtherWallet and Mist. All of these wallets are compatible with ERC20 tokens, allowing for the issuance and reception of tokens. These wallets are easy to setup and to manage. For multi-sig wallets, which allow more control thanks to permissions systems, several solutions exist on the market and are easy to set up.